Next Minicon 3pm on December 19th

By on November 27, 2015

Every few months, we host an event called the Minicon that creates a forum for you to share your interests and learn about others. Between 5 and 10 speakers present in 15 minute to 1 hour sessions. Regardless if you have preparing your material for a conference presentation, getting comfortable speaking or have something interesting […]

Minicon This Saturday starting at 5pm!

By on February 5, 2015

Each time we run the Minicon, we are always impressed at the variety of presentations shared. February 7th, 2015 Talks: I’m here, now what? – (Lessons learned instructing and OSCP) – OakTree (~20 minutes) Blender 3D Modeling/Animation – Eric S (~1 hour) Running a remote development team – R00ster Wifi PenTesting – Tools and Techniques […]

Super Minicon

By on April 29, 2014

I’m thrilled to announce what will prove to be a prodigious minicon lineup at Unallocated Space in Severn, MD. The minicon is scheduled for May 3rd, starting at 12:00 PM (noon). No RSVP is necessary. Topics scheduled include: Emergency Cloud System by Jesse Alexander PG County ARES/RACES Amateur Radio Computer Compatible Networks by Keith Elkin […]

Minicon March 1st

By on March 1, 2014

Please check out our Minicon page for the most up-to-date information. This months talks: The new UAS Website – R00ster 5:20p-6:25p Andy Kaufman: or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Troll. – Gomi 6:30p-7p How to get started in consulting – Stacey 7:05p-7:30p State of Unallocated Space – Forgotten 7:35p-8:45p Sadly talks […]

January Minicon tomorrow 1/4/14

By on January 3, 2014

So the time has come, the Minicon is tomorrow starting at 2pm. Currently talk list: Mame Arcade, the trials and tribulations – ItsTonyE Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and clock sychronization – Matt Putting the bio back in Cyber warfare! – Wonko “A Sheep in Wolfs Clothing, lessons learned from a security guy” – Wasabi 3 […]

July 20th Minicon CFP

By on June 27, 2013

From 2pm to 6pm on July 20th, we will be hosting a Minicon, a presentation knowledge sharing session. The list of requested topics as well as the speakers that have volunteered thus far are here: /minicon/ We need volunteers to share their knowledge, interest and/or research in talks between 15 minutes and an hour. Regardless […]

May 4th Minicon

By on April 29, 2013

Minicon will feature talks from 15 minutes to an hour related to Technology. If your interested in speaking, please email Saturday, May 4th starting at 3pm Speakers: Writing Metasploit Modules – Surefire Forensic Packet Analysis – Wonko Minecraft servers (Server setup, host setup, and modding the JAR) – Compmage CJDNS+Project Meshnet – Nimblesec UAS […]

Minicon January 19th 4pm-8pm

By on December 27, 2012

As Technology Enthusiasts, most of us are constantly learning about new technologies. The Minicon is a event dedicated to sharing what we have learned with others. Given that this is not far before ShmooCon, I hope we have some folks practicing their presentations for Shmoo; I know I will be. Still looking for a couple […]

October/November Minicon

By on November 16, 2012

Every month we host an event dedicated to sharing ideas. As many people in Technology do research or have somewhat unique knowledge, sharing that knowledge in a group of peers is awesome. Another goal of the minicon is to test presentations before presenting them to a larger crowd. We hope you come by and enjoy […]

Minicon Speakers

By on September 18, 2012

This month’s minicon will be Sunday, September 23rd starting at 4pm. We have the following confirmed speakers: DA “Building your own toybox” – Many Info-Sec Professional has a toybox, whats in yours? R00ster “How Drupal taking over the world” Justin “What is OpenBSD and why you should care?” with prizes/giveaways Gomi “Hexideciml for Dummies” Forgotten […]

August Minicon

By on August 23, 2012

This month, we have a great lineup of speakers.  The minicon is this Sunday starting at 4pm.  To paraphrase someone awesome, “I guarantee you know something I don’t.”  There is always something more to learn as Network Security is constantly changing.  The goal of the Minicon is to share the research or knowledge we work on with others or […]

July Mini-con

By on July 11, 2012

Speakers give presentations to help share what they know or practice their talks before a major presentation. Due to the proximity to DefCon/BlackHat/BSidesLV, I expect a few people to be practicing their DefCon talks.  If your willing/interested to present, email or talk to forgotten ( and let me know your topic, and length of your […]

Test out your talks at the next UAS Soiree

By on March 20, 2012

Submitting CFPs to conferences can be frustrating, especially with new talks.  Do you want to see if the talk works or just practice it? Trying to give a talk for the first time? At the UAS Soiree AKA Textile’s Sewer, you can give any talk from 15 minutes to an hour in length. Carrying on with the idea that […]