FPGA Night (8 April, 7-10PM)

By on April 4, 2014

This will be the second session of the new class. If you want in, it’s not too late! Please E-Mail fpga@unallocatedspace.org to let the instructor know you want to join. We will be covering: 1. Launching ISE 2. Building example blinky light project 3. Launching Impact, Mojo Loader, and Adept for bit file uploading 4. […]

FPGA Class Starting Over – 1 April (7-10PM)

By on March 28, 2014

This will be the first session of the new class! Very Important: Please go to http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/design-tools.html and download ISE for your operating system!!!! Unallocated Space does not have the Internet bandwidth to support downloading the 6GB install file! The class slides are here. We will be covering: Introductions What are FPGAs How are FPGAs structured […]

FPGA Night (11 March, 7-10PM)

By on March 10, 2014

If you are interested in joining the class, check out the new class announcement! Due to technical issues, we still need to work on getting push and pop converted over to using the SRAM. After finishing push and pop, the class will be open to questions and discussions. Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so […]

FPGA Night (4 March, 7-10PM)

By on March 2, 2014

We will finish integrating SRAM into our CPU. Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so that you can hook up the external memory chip. If you cannot bring those items, please contact fpga@unallocatedspace.org (or the instructor directly) to ensure enough supplies are brought with the instructor. Required Items: 1. Laptop with Xilinx ISE installed. Please […]

FPGA Night (25 Feb, 7-10PM)

By on February 23, 2014

We will be integrating our SRAM module into our custom CPU. This will require quite a bit of modification to the existing CPU code. We will also be using the simulator to make sure our design works as planned. Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so that you can hook up the external memory chip. […]

FPGA Night (18 Feb, 7-10PM)

By on February 17, 2014

Late notice 🙁 We will be finishing up our SPI SRAM interface. The only parts left are to create a test module to send test data to the actual chip, and then to work the module into our existing CPU. Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so that you can hook up the external memory […]

Beginner Soldering Class (13 Dec, 7PM)

By on December 6, 2013

If you’ve never picked up a soldering iron before, but would like to learn the art of soldering then this class is for you. Buddy has made a generous donation of beginner level soldering kits. There will be 18 kits available on a first come first serve basis. We’ll have soldering irons available as well, […]

FPGA Night (3 Dec, 7-10PM)

By on December 2, 2013

We will be implementing a Xilinx divider IP core so that our CPUs can divide. If we finish creating and testing the divider, then we will move on to creating a flags register and implementing addca (add with carry). Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so that we can troubleshoot using the three external IO […]

FPGA Night (26 Nov, 7-10PM)

By on November 24, 2013

We had planned on adding division and add w/ carry, but there has been a change. Since the divider opcode took quite a while, we will be covering how to get the divider working from the ground up. This will be done using the ISE simulator and simple test bench code. We will cover the […]

FPGA Night (19 Nov, 7-10PM)

By on November 17, 2013

Continue work on our custom CPU. We will be finishing the push and pop opcodes and writing test programs to use them with ret and call. If time permits, we will also create the flags register and a new addition opcode that adds the remainder from the last addition operation. The code is up on […]

FPGA Night (12 Nov, 7-10PM)

By on November 11, 2013

We will be adding ‘addca’ to add the carry bit from the last addition operation. Additionally, we will be adding ‘call’ and ‘ret’ statements (along with the required stack information) to enable branching. Please bring a breadboard and jumpers so that we can troubleshoot using the three external IO buses. If you cannot bring those […]

FPGA Night (5 Nov, 7-10PM)

By on November 4, 2013

We will continue building the instruction set for our custom CPUs. Plans are to fix a bug in movaf, create movfa (move from memory to register a), and create jump opcodes for register_a and memory location comparisons. Required Items: 1. Laptop with Xilinx ISE installed. Please ensure you already have the ISE installed!! We will […]

FPGA Night (29 Oct, 7-10PM)

By on October 25, 2013

We will continue building the instruction set for our custom CPUs. Plans are to have add, subtract, logical shift (left and right), and rotate (left and right). Required Items: 1. Laptop with Xilinx ISE installed. Please ensure you already have the ISE installed!! We will not have time to wait for the install process to […]

FPGA Night (22 Oct, 7-10PM)

By on October 20, 2013

We started work on our CPU last week. This class will focus on getting the CPU up and running with simple instructions like add, subtract, multiply, divide, jump, and sending data to the IO ports. Required Items: 1. Laptop with Xilinx ISE installed. Please ensure you already have the ISE installed!! We will not have […]