Arduino Night (15 May, 7-10 PM)

By on May 14, 2015

Last time we covered basic transistors. Just turning an LED on and off and driving a DC motor. This time we will look at creating an H bridge to drive a DC motor forwards and backwards. We will also be going a little more in depth about transistors. Feel free to bring your own DC […]

Arduino Night (31 Apr, 7-10 PM)

By on April 30, 2015

I am super late getting to the slides for this class O.O The basic plan is to play with transistors to control LEDs and DC motors. If we get through everything, then the next class will hopefully cover H bridges for reversing DC motors. The agenda is short since the class could go way over […]

Arduino Night (17 April, 7-10 PM)

By on April 16, 2015

Per a request at the last class, we will be writing to and reading from SD cards. Please bring an SD card if you can. There will only be two available for use!!! Also, the cards must be SD, not the smaller cards. All cards should be 8GB or less and be formatted to FAT16 […]

Arduino Night (27 Feb, 7-10 PM)

By on February 25, 2015

We will be working with SPI based SRAM. The SRAM chip will be the 23LC512 (datasheet). Agenda: What is SRAM Review datasheet Use SPI library to write to and read from the SRAM Write to and read from the SRAM by hand If you cannot attend the class in person, E-Mail and ask to […]

Arduino Night (20 Feb, 7-10 PM)

By on February 19, 2015

We are getting back to LCDs this week. The last time we dealt with a 16×2 display, we used the LiquidCrystal library. This time we are going to ‘bit bang’ the LCD by hand. The idea is to learn how to control external devices for which you don’t have a library. Agenda: Wiring up the […]

Arduino Night (30 Jan, 7-10 PM)

By on January 29, 2015

We will be playing with 74HC595 8-bit shift registers. It’s okay if you don’t have one as there should be plenty to go around! Agenda: What is a shift register and what can it do Reading datasheets How the 595 works Simple shifting with ShiftOut Latching a value Simple shifting by hand Latching a value […]

Arduino Night (23 Jan, 7-10 PM)

By on January 22, 2015

We are back to the regularly scheduled time! Sorry for the late notice. I put it off too long 🙁 We will be covering 16×2 LCD screens. Don’t worry if you don’t have one. I will be bringing plenty, and we have lots at the space too 🙂 We will come back to LCDs at […]

Arduino Night (5 Dec 7-10 PM)

By on December 4, 2014

Having finished the seven segment projects, it’s time to move on to something a little more demanding. We will take a look at serial communications with the Arduino. We will go over what serial actually is, and how it is sent. Then we will dig into actually communicating between the laptop and Arduino by having […]

FPGA Night (2 Dec, 7-10 PM)

By on November 30, 2014

We will continue work on the spectrum analyzer project. This class will focus on testing the uart_comms module (handles the serial protocol) and using it to control the frequency of a sine wave. This code will be used in the final code as a way of ensuring things are working properly. The next step will […]

Arduino Night (21 Nov, 7-10 PM)

By on November 20, 2014

We will continue working with the 7 segments. This class will introduce bit shifting and creating custom functions. Both of these topics will be used to display things on the 7 segments. If you have your own 7 segment, feel free to bring it. There will be several to choose from if you need one. […]

FPGA Night (11 Nov, 7-10 PM)

By on November 9, 2014

This is going to be the first of two classes for creating the VHDL module that will allow changes to be made on the fly via a USB to serial adapter. We created a framing protocol for sending data last class. We will start this one by implementing that framing protocol. There will also be […]

Arduino Night (31 Oct, 7-10 PM)

By on October 30, 2014

Since class was cancelled last week, I will have the same slides ready for this week. If not enough people show up, then I will do the same class again on the 7th. So don’t fret if you can’t make it 🙂 We will be using 7 segment displays. Two new topics will be covered: […]

CANCELLED — Arduino Night (24 Oct, 7-10 PM)

By on October 19, 2014

Tonight’s class has been cancelled due to an emergency that has come up. We will pick back up next Friday. We will be using 7 segment displays. Two new topics will be covered: sinking current and C arrays. If you have your own 7 segment, feel free to bring it. There will be several to […]

FPGA Night (21 Oct, 7-10 PM)

By on October 19, 2014

Last week we created a test bench to make sure the new buffered serial RX module was working properly. This time we will be doing the same thing to the TX side. Creating the buffered serial TX will be mostly on your own work. Then we will work together to get the test bench up […]