Programming/Dev Night

By on September 17, 2012

Like Development? Got a project to work or looking for one to jump into? Come work at Unallocated! With a few folks in Unallocated developing various projects or one big project depending, it will be a productive environment. Be prepared to dive into some code and have fun!

HAM Radio Night Tonight 6pm

By on September 7, 2012

On deck I have planned an “interactive” presentation covering a lot of material for the “Technician” (entry-level, aka Element 2) class license, of which we have already covered: •About Ham Radio •Call Signs •Control •Mind the Rules Tonight, we will be covering, as time permits: •Tech Frequencies •Your First Radio •Going On The Air! •Repeaters […]

Basic Web Technologies

By on September 6, 2012

This week we will be going to get into a little bit of site building theory and content organization. We’ll continue with building out HTML and CSS skills, work on some form building, and work some Javascript into the mix. Class 1: Class 2: I will link to the slides to each class […]

Windows 8 Metro Development Workshop

By on August 30, 2012

Just an update for the Windows 8 Dev Event this weekend. We will have Pete Brown coming in to speak about XAML as well as XBOX swag, and other prizes. You must sign up to be prize eligible:

August Minicon

By on August 23, 2012

This month, we have a great lineup of speakers.  The minicon is this Sunday starting at 4pm.  To paraphrase someone awesome, “I guarantee you know something I don’t.”  There is always something more to learn as Network Security is constantly changing.  The goal of the Minicon is to share the research or knowledge we work on with others or […]

Basic Packet Analysis Class

By on August 21, 2012

This Saturday starting at 11am, Sleep3rn3t and Forgotten will be teaching a Basic Packet Analysis Class. Before the class, you need: To know what an IP Address is To know what a MAC address is You will need a laptop with wireshark installed. We will cover: Networking Models Data Encapsulation Different types of Packets Tools […]

Windows 8 Metro Development Workshop

By on August 21, 2012

We will be hosting a Windows 8 Metro Development Bootcamp starting Friday, August 31st at 6pm and continuing on for the weekend ending with a Application Development Competition for class participants. Requirements -Laptop Capable of running VMs or that you can reformat, or laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise to install windows 8 to […]

Basic Web Technologies Class

By on August 20, 2012

Want to learn how to make a Web Page or have a friend that has asked you to make a site for them?  Join in the class on Thursdays 7pm-9pm as R00ster is teaching a class for the next 8 weeks on Basic Web Technologies. Meetup Post: Basic Web Technologies Calander Entry: 7:30pm» R00ster’s Beginner Web Technologies Class

August LAN Party

By on August 17, 2012

On Augest 18 starting at noon we will be firing up the gaming and the food should go on the grill by 2 PM. Everyone is always welcome to come and stop by. We will be running all night and into Sunday! No need to leave at night, sleep on the floor, bring a bedroll, […]

Hardware Hacking – Basic Electronics

By on August 6, 2012

The course will be presented in platform discussion, guided practice, and open question format as the material dictates. The course uses a standardized volt-ohm-meter (VOM) for illustration. If the participant has a different VOM the range settings and or readouts will be different. The readings for the sample activities given in this presentation are based […]

July Mini-con

By on July 11, 2012

Speakers give presentations to help share what they know or practice their talks before a major presentation. Due to the proximity to DefCon/BlackHat/BSidesLV, I expect a few people to be practicing their DefCon talks.  If your willing/interested to present, email or talk to forgotten ( and let me know your topic, and length of your […]

Space Improvement Party June 2nd

By on May 24, 2012

Starting at around 12pm on June 2nd we will be having a space improvement party! A space improvement party is a time when we move things around in an attempt to see what works or what doesn’t in the layout of the space. We organize, clean, and optimize the space, then a PARTY!!!! Events like […]