By on February 4, 2018

This Friday on February 9th we’ll be hosting our first DC443 Meetup.

What is it?
An evolution of the OSCP study group. It’s our goal to learn hands-on techniques, generally on the red-team side, as well as strengthening our CTF skills.

Casual but hands on.
This week I’ll start with a live walkthrough of a vulnerable vm, followed by a talk on web app hacking or DNS (TBD). In the future we’ll be sharing the walkthrough and demo duties.

We’ll be joined remotely by my friend and Google Redteamer, Mandatory: known for the .io takeover Korean DNS Link, crashsafari, winning thousands of pizzas (allegedly), and generally waiving his hands like a dark prophet. He’s on California time, so the talk won’t be getting started until about 8:00PM EST

In the meantime we’ll be doing a live walkthrough on the freshly retired HackTheBox Machine, “Solidstate”.

If you’re not already on there, here’s your homework:

He’ll be covering DNS hacking or Web application Security. Hit the slack channel to find out which when we’re a bit closer.

GOAL: Hack stuff, Meet other people who like hacking stuff.

EQUIPMENT: Laptop with Kali / Your distro of choice. I use arch for development and Kali for wireless and convenience. a VM or bootable USB is fine. And BYOB

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate; Many of the people who have been attending were studying for, or now have our OSCP’s, have decent experience in linux and/or scripting, or have spent some time in ctf’s

PRESENTER: Flay / Mandatory

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