DATE: 28SEP2017
TIME: 1900-2100
TOPIC: INFOSEC NIGHT: Intro to Dynamic Malware Analysis
Tonight we are going to talk about the basics of malware analysis, and we are going to do it by live detonating a few malicious files on screen and going through the findings together. This will be one part Q and A and one part live fire exercise as we talk about some of the basics of malware analysis such as determining callouts, finding malicious processes, and looking at registry changes. We will also talk about some of the basics of building a malware sandbox yourself and what tools you might want to try to get started. This will be manual dynamic analysis, so no sandboxing unless there is some time to go over sandbox reporting.
GOAL: Detonate some malware and see what it does
WHAT TO BRING: Questions and comments
PRESENTER: Understudy