Exciting news! Coming Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 Unallocated Space will be hosting our second SDRcon. SDRcon is a day of talks related to Software Defined Radio (SDR), digital signal processing, reverse engineering and exploitation of wireless controlled systems, and other radio related topics.
There will be a “Show and Tell” period for those that have a brief presentation or demo. Bring your project and show it off!
Talks begin promptly at 11AM. Please be seated by 10:45
I am excited to announce some of the presenters:
- Regi Eisenblatt presenting the BooyaSDRThe Booya software demodulates the signals down to baseband at the full bandwidth. The Booya digitizer boards plug into the Cypress USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Explorer Kit, included. The Cypress Explorer Kit provides the USB 3 interface to the PC. The Booya SDR includes an active Mini Whip antenna to allow good radio reception in the 0 to 32 MHz band. The BooyaSDR free open source software on the PC provides a fully functioning SDR receiver application demonstrating the full Booya digitizer capability.
- http://booyasdr.sourceforge.net/
- Michael Ossmann presenting Low Cost, Open Source Spectrum MonitoringOver the past few months, we and other open source software developers have devised new tools allowing low cost Software Defined Radio platforms to rapidly sweep across radio frequencies in order to monitor the spectrum around us. Our base platform is HackRF One, and we are able to monitor 1 MHz to 6 GHz every 0.75 seconds, allowing us to build up a near real-time picture of radio usage around us. Now we are looking at new ways to visualize, analyze, and interpret this information. This will be a look at open source hardware and software tools that enable us to monitor, analyze, and track down radio signals.
- Adam presenting Practical Foxhunting 101The basic skills needed to quickly locate wireless emitters are easy to learn and no special equipment is required. Despite this, relatively few people have the know-how to put their equipment to work locating emitters as part of penetration testing, RF environment mapping, or tracking their geriatric neighbors using the emanations from their pacemakers. In this talk, you’ll learn simple techniques for finding wireless emitters in the environment using readily-available equipment, and how to select and configure foxhunting gear. You’ll also get a brief introduction to some more-advanced topics and techniques.
- Corey Koval presenting Why your antenna is more important than your SDRYou just got your first RTL-SDR, you plug in the little 4 inch antenna, turn on your SDR software, and you don’t see any signals. Your SDR isn’t broken, the default antenna just isn’t the right tool for the job. We’ll explore the different types of antennas and RF adapters that exist and explore what one will be right for you.