By on December 13, 2015

We have seen some cool projects going on! We got a visit from a 2-axis Scara Arm controlled by an Arduino, rebuilding the bases for our 3D Printers and attempting to build a mini-forge.

2-axis Scara controlled by Arduino – Max

SCARA, Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm, using an Arduino to actuate motors to draw a image using a pen.

DrawingMachine-Blank DrawingMachine-Wolf

Assembling 3D Printing Supplies – Bowie

This is PEI (Polyetherimide) film aka Ultem film being bonded to a sheet of 3M 468 double sided adhesive. The intention is to change the PET and kapton print surfaces on the 3D printers at the space to PEI. The following link goes into why we think changing out the bed surface is worth the trouble. Bed Material info on Reprap Wiki So far, the replacement beds for Taz, Taz Mini and Delta have been put together.

3D-PrinterBed-MakingANewBed 3D-PrinterBedSupplies

Mini-Forge – Buddy

After checking out a number of online tutorials, I decided to take a shot at creating my vary own forge. It’s a work in progress. The next step is cleaning up the edges and place a layer of Fire Concrete on the inner sides, bottom, and lid.

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