We’re two weeks into our campaign and we’re already over half way to our $10,000 goal! With just $4,000 more, we will have enough to move into a larger and better space! We still have 28 days left for our campaign. So, if you haven’t already donated, please consider doing so.
Don’t forget that your donation will help us provide even more awesome classes, events, and workshops to the community. Add to that the fact that we can finally have multiple events at the same time and you will see that this will be a huge improvement for us and our community!
Remember, all donations should be tax deductible since Unallocated Space is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. However, we suggest you consult a tax professional regarding any deductions.
Please help us out by sharing the link to our campaign (http://igg.me/at/unallocatedspace) and using the #growUAS hashtag. Share with all your friends. family, and followers. The more people that see our campaign the better!
Thanks everyone for helping us #growUAS!