We will be having a LAN party, focusing on the 1995-2005 decade!
This is a themed event, to the greatest extent possible, even down to the clothes you wear! Here are some examples:
- Bring music that you listened to during those years.
- Bring some old shows or movies with you that were popular then. Maybe we can have those playing in the background?
- Wear clothes that were popular during that time. Got an old favorite band t-shirt?
Recommended PC stats:
- Refrain from using an operating system newer than Windows 2000.
- Try to use an old PC, rather than an VM. Time to dust off your old gaming rig!
- Install IPX/SPX. It would be cool to avoid TCP/IP if possible.
- If all else fails, just use a VM or DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS.
We will be playing games like:
- Age of Empires
- Command & Conquer
- Warcraft 2 – Tides of Darkness
- Unreal
- Quake
- Doom II
- Half-Life: Counter-strike (beta 5?)
- Diablo
Because of the age of these titles, some (not all) games will be considered abandon-ware.
- Saturday @ noon – Doors Open
- 1:00 PM – Gaming Starts
- 5:00 PM – Pizza Arrives ($5/person) & More Gaming
- 11:00 PM – Take Out & More Gaming
- 5:00 AM – Donuts / Coffee ($2/Person) & More Gaming
- 11:00 PM – Take Out & More Gaming
- Sunday @ noon – Gaming Ends
Since Unallocated Space runs off of donations, we would like to mention that the recommended donation for this event is $5. It is by no means a requirement, but it does help us keep the lights on! Attendance to the space, and this party, is 100% free to all! Thank you for your support!