We will continue work on the spectrum analyzer project. This class will focus on testing the uart_comms module (handles the serial protocol) and using it to control the frequency of a sine wave. This code will be used in the final code as a way of ensuring things are working properly. The next step will be setting up the buffering between the analog side and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) block. See the bottom for a description of the final class project.
USB to Serial: Attendees will need an USB to serial converter either built in, or external. Make sure the USB to serial converter uses 3.3 volts, and not 5 volts! If you borrowed one last class, please make sure to bring it with you!
Python Requirement: All classes from this point on will require Python with pyserial (http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/) installed. This project will be using Python for serial communication to the FPGA.
The slides for the upcoming and previous classes can be found here. The slides are generally made during the three days before a class.
1. Update LEDs based on data sent from laptop
2. Create the master VHDL file that will contain all spectrum analyzer related modules
3. Create DDS sine wave generator
4. Set DDS up so that the frequency can be changed using uart_comms
5. Test DDS frequency changing with R2R DAC and o’scope
If you would like to join the class, then please E-Mail fpga@unallocatedspace.org. The class is now to a point where you need to know VHDL prior to joining. We also stream the class on Google Hangouts. Please send an E-Mail to fpga@unallocatedspace.org if you would like to join the Google Hangout.
IMPORTANT You MUST have ISE (not Vivado!) installed prior to the start of class!!! ISE can take upwards of 30 minutes to an hour to install. We will not have time to wait for ISE to be installed. Please go to here and download the ISE Design Suite package for your operating system. If you have licensing or installation issues, please contact fpga@unallocatedspace.org
Required Items:
1. FPGA development board with Spartan 3 or Spartan 6
2. USB cable for programming
3. JTAG programmer if your board does not have USB
4. Laptop with ISE installed and either wired or wireless network connectivity
Provided Items:
1. USB to serial converter (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009T2ZR6W/) – Only one left!
Description of Final Class Project: We will be designing a fairly simple spectrum analyzer. The Fourier transform will be displayed on a VGA monitor. Depending on FPGA resources and complexity, we might implement filters and DDC/DUC (Digital Down Conversion / Digital Up Conversion). We will be using AD9283-50 50 MHz ADCs for the analog sampling. The instructor code is currently up at https://github.com/Unallocated/FPGA_NIGHT/tree/development/final_project. The instructor code is subject to change as it is the working copy with lots of experiments.
We have been given ‘academic’ status from Digilent Inc (http://www.digilentinc.com). This means that the instructor can (sometimes) purchase boards from Digilent at the academic price. This discount will only apply to people who are attending the class regularly and is on a case-by-case basis from Digilent.
Since Unallocated Space runs off of donations, we would like to mention that the recommended donation for this class is $5. It is by no means a requirement! Attendance to the space, and this class, is 100% free to all!