We will be covering using Python (pyserial) to communicate with an Arduino. This will include sending data back and forth as well as turning pins on and off via serial.
Please ensure your laptop has BOTH Python and pyserial installed. Verify that pyserial is installed by typing ‘import serial’ in the Python interactive prompt. If you have issues with this, or do not know how to invoke the interactive prompt just shoot an E-Mail to arduino@unallocatedspace.org.
Required Items
1. Arduino & USB cable
2. Breadboard & jumpers
3. Laptop with Arduino software installed AND Python with pyserial
Provides Items
1. LEDs
2. Resistors
If you need any items in the required items section, please E-Mail arduino@unallocatedspace.org. We have a few of all of the required items, but we need to know how many to prepare.
Since the space runs off of donations, we would like to mention that the recommended donation for this class is $5. It is by no means a requirement! Attendance to the space, and this class, is 100% free to all!