On deck I have planned an “interactive” presentation covering a lot of
material for the “Technician” (entry-level, aka Element 2) class
license, of which we have already covered:
•About Ham Radio
•Call Signs
•Mind the Rules
Tonight, we will be covering, as time permits:
•Tech Frequencies
•Your First Radio
•Going On The Air!
•Weak Signal Propagation
•Talk to Outer Space!
•Your Computer Goes Ham Digital!
•Multi-Mode Radio Excitement
•Run Some Interference Protection
•Electrons – Go With the Flow!
•It’s the Law, per Mr. Ohm!
•Go Picture These!
•Feed Me with Some Good Coax!
•Safety First!
Slated to be covered, time depending. There will be exam Q&A’s for the
current license pool included for each section.
Also, all attendees will receive Band Plan handouts as handy reference
guide to current amateur frequencies guidelines for those frequencies.
Hope to see you all here!