By on April 9, 2012

Greetings all!

If you haven’t been to the space in a while you may not have noticed the major upgrades going on at the space. We’ve been hard at work making some core upgrades to the network that will make us more capable of handling network pen testing, hosting files for talks, and hosting services on the Internet.

  • VLANs! No professional network is complete without VLAN capability, and we’re delivering. This will enable us to segment portions of the network to allow people to openly pen test without reaching other network subnets and disrupting people working on other projects.
  • IPv6! We are now fully dual stack IPv4/IPv6 across all networks in the space. You shouldn’t notice any difference other than some sites coming over IPv6. Feel free to come and ask questions.
  • DMZ! We will now be able to host long awaited game servers on the external internet. First up? MINECRAFT! We will be hosting our own Minecraft server by the end of the week. Stay-tuned.

Future expansions include:

  • Upgraded PBX system via SIP and Google Voice. Major PBX plans coming soon.
  • SVN/GIT Support. We’ll be migrating all of our space coding projects to a GIT or SVN system.
  • File Server! We’ll very soon have an internal file server for space storage.
  • SpaceNet support –
  • “The Labs” – VMWare-based lab servers for pen testing, exploit testing, and general experimentation.

Stay tuned for more info on each of these. If you would like to get involved, feel free to drop by during our Open House nights.

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