Submitting CFPs to conferences can be frustrating, especially with new talks. Do you want to see if the talk works or just practice it? Trying to give a talk for the first time? At the UAS Soiree AKA Textile’s Sewer, you can give any talk from 15 minutes to an hour in length.
Carrying on with the idea that Textile started, this is an open event forum
for anyone that wants to give a talk. What we hope is that regular attendees of this monthly event give ongoing talks at Soiree. Yes: its Fight Club for Hackers!
This current sessions speakers and topics are:
Digital Arcanist – 5 most important things in Infosec
Cryptos – Android
Cryptos – Hadoop Password Cracker
Matt – What Sound is good?
Lewis/Walt – Theramin
Outrayjus – Brewing
Open Discussion – Do’s and Dont’s of new hackerspaces
Infosec book club
Please register for this event:
If you know anyone that would be interested in giving a talk in future
sessions, please have them contact Forgotten.