I ran across a great project on Kickstarter yesterday called Code Hero. From the page:
Code Hero is a game that teaches you how to make games so you can learn to code while you play with a Code Gun that shoots Javascript in Unity 3D!

Created by Alex Peake and his lads at Primer Labs, Code Hero is basically a game that can turn you into a game programmer! Becoming a backer for as little as 1 dollar (yes you read that right) gets you access to the beta. Download, login and away you go grok!
One thing that really jumps out at me about this project is the hacker ethic that drives it. It is a project that is created by hackers, promotes hackerspaces and, in essence is really all about creating more hackers. The world needs that: More hackers.
I commend Alex Peake and the whole Primer Labs crew on a great project with a truly inspiring goal: create more hackers. Make sure you visit the Kickstarter page and become a backer. Now.
Hack The Planet