Need to start the New Year off on a hacking note? Looking to sharpen up your pentesting or learn a new skill or two?? Plan on being at Unallocated Space on Jan 7th at 500PM when Georgia Weidman from Neohapsis will be teaching her Metasploit for Pentesting class. Some highlights of this class include:
- The basics of using the Metasploit Framework
- The basics of penetration testing
- Basic Uses of Metasploit during pentesting
This class is suitable for those with no background in Metasploit or penetration testing as well as both novice and experienced penetration testers who want to add the Metasploit Framework to their arsenal.
Attendees will need a computer capable of running virtual machines. Having vmware or virtual box already installed would be helpful but the student handout will have installers for vmware trials or free versions depending on platforms.
4 hours of hacking, penetration testing and Metasploit goodness from Georgia Weidman at Unallocated Space!?!? Miss it and you just suck.